NCERT Books provide a full and detailed explanation of each chapter or topic in deep with simple language. So most of the School education board and competition institute will prefer these books for their students.Our Website is the complete Hub of NCERT Books and NCERT Solutions, students Download these in PDF format for Free. Here In this post We provide NCERT Social Science book class 9, students download this book free of cost in pdf format.
NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science is the Best Book for IAS and other competitive exams.Our Website also provides NCERT Class 9 social science solutions can be Downloaded from here without registration and login.
In this post, we provide NCERT Class 9 Social Science textbook with the solution. This is the book most important for UPSC And competitive exams.
Download NCERT Social Science Book Class 9 – English Medium
India and the Contemporary World – 1 (History)
- Section I: Events and Processes
- Chapter 1: The French Revolution
- Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
- Chapter 3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
- Section II: Livelihoods, Economics, and Societies
- Chapter 4: Forest Society and Colonialism
- Chapter 5: Pastoralists in the Modern World
- Chapter 6: Peasants and Farmers
- Section III: Everyday Life, Culture, and Politics
- Chapter 7: History and Sport: The Story of Cricket
- Chapter 8: Clothing: A Social History
Contemporary India – 1 (Geography)
- Chapter 1: India – Size and Location
- Chapter 2: Physical Features of India
- Chapter 3: Drainage
- Chapter 4: Climate
- Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
- Chapter 6: Population
Democratic Politics – I (Political Science)
- Chapter 1: Democracy in the Contemporary World
- Chapter 2: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- Chapter 3: Constitutional Design
- Chapter 4: Electoral Politics
- Chapter 5: Working with Institutions
- Chapter 6: Democratic Rights
- Chapter 1: The Story of Village Palampur
- Chapter 2: People as Resource
- Chapter 3: Poverty as a Challenge
- Chapter 4: Food Security in India
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Download NCERT Social Science Book Class 9 (सामाजिक विज्ञान) – Hindi Medium
भारत और समकालीन विश्व – 1 (इतिहास)
- खण्ड I: घटनाएँ और प्रक्रियाएँ
- पाठ 1. फ़्रांसिसी क्रांति
- पाठ 2. यूरोप में समाजवाद एवं रूसी क्रांति
- पाठ 3. नात्सीवाद और हिटलर का उदय
- खण्ड II: जीविका, अर्थव्यवस्था एवं समाज
- पाठ 4. वन्य समाज एवं उपनिवेशवाद
- पाठ 5. आधुनिक विश्व में चरवाहे
- पाठ 6. किसान और काश्तकार
- खण्ड III: रोजाना की ज़िंदगी, संस्कृति और राजनीति
- पाठ 7. इतिहास और खेल: क्रिकेट की कहनी
- पाठ 8. पहनावे का सामाजिक इतिहास
समकालीन भारत – 1 (भूगोल)
- अध्याय 1: भारत – आकार और स्थिति
- अध्याय 2: भारत का भौतिक स्वरुप
- अध्याय 3: अपवाह
- अध्याय 4: जलवायु
- अध्याय 5: प्राकृतिक वनस्पति तथा वन्य प्राणी
- अध्याय 6: जनसंख्या
लोकतांत्रिक राजनीति (राजनीति विज्ञान)
- अध्याय 1: समकालिक विश्व में लोकतंत्र
- अध्याय 2: लोकतंत्र क्या? लोकतंत्र क्यों?
- अध्याय 3: संविधान निर्माण
- अध्याय 4: चुनावी राजनीति
- अध्याय 5: संस्थाओं का कामकाज
- अध्याय 6: लोकतांत्रिक अधिकार
- अध्याय 1: पालमपुर गाँव की कहानी
- अध्याय 2: संसाधन के रूप में लोग
- अध्याय 3: निर्धनता: एक चुनौती
- अध्याय 4: भारत में खाद्य सुरक्षा
NCERT Social Science book class 9 covers the French Revolution, Nazism and the rise of Hitler, socialism in Europe and the Russian revolution, clothing a social history, peasant and farmers, history and sports the story of cricket, pastoralists in the modern world, forest society and colonialism, people as resource, poverty as a challenge, the story of village Palampur, working of institutions, food security in India, what is democracy? why democracy, democracy in the contemporary world, constitutional design, electoral politics, population, democratic rights, natural vegetation and wildlife, drainage, climate, India – size and location, specific hazards, physical features of India, and mitigation etc.
Major Features of NCERT Social Science book class 9 Textbooks
- NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science provides full detail of each chapter.
- NCERT Class 9 Social Science book provides practice questions at the end of each chapter.
- NCERT Class 9 Social Science book in both language in Hindi and English.
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